Monday, June 7, 2010


Oh my goodness this just made my night. Jeeze its been almost a month since I've updated anything, and I come back here and get an award! I'm super excited because I, well, I don't even know. But I am! I'm really going to try to keep up with my blog now!

The Versatile Blogger
with this award there are some rules, which are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Share seven things about you
3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs that you think are fantastic
4. Let your nominees know about the award

-Abby over at Dogtags and Pearls nominated me for this, and quite frankly I don't know why! All I know is that she is the biggest sweetheart, and thank you thank you thank you!

- seven things about me, alright;

  1. Born and raised in Rhode Island, can't wait to move to Florida next year after I get married!
  2. I'm terrified of caterpillars. End of story.
  3. I'm six feet tall
  4. I'm still trying to figure out how to even work this blog.
  5. I hate peanut butter, I get frowned upon for it. Sorry!
  6. I have one older sister, Melinda, who is my best friend
  7. I love pink! But I'm in no means a girly girl.

-Hmm I follow way more blogs, than the amount of people that follow mine, so I this shouldn't be too hard. But I really, REALLY need to start coming on here more. I'm such a loser, with like 5 followers. COOL =P

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