I'm heading to work for the night, but I thought I would share some random photo's that I love. Dustin and I went ice skating a few months back and I snapped a crappy cell phone picture, but I love it =]
My new dog tags came in the other day! I had the original tags in my purse and it got stolen. Grrr I'll never get over that. This happened a few months ago and I get so mad when I think about it!
Most of my pictures, besides my engagement photos are taken from my crappy phone. This is because my sister like to steal things from me and not give them back. She refuses to give me back MY camera because then she won't have one because she broke hers! I don't know where it is, but if I find it I'm taking it back and never letting her see it ever again! Oh yeah, and she's older than me and whines and cries when I try to get it back...Boo hoo!
I love the picture with the dog tags. It's nice!